Lowering the entry barrier for new developers on an existing project
What is this all about? This post is a short compilation of suggested practices to ease the entry barrier for developers coming into an already running project. As I’m mainly using the .
Read more…Brainstorming: Automatic updates for Winforms/WPF applications
This post is the first of a collection of brainstorming articles I’ll write in the near future. These are primarily meant to note down my thoughts on specific projects and/or feature implementations etc.
Read more…Waterfall is dead ... or is it?
{% img right http://www.daniel-rosendorf.de/images/waterfall_medium.jpg %} After working about 6 years on a project for one of our customers the time for me to move on has finally come. My employer stays the same but I’ll switch to a new project and it really may be a new project in the sense of that theres is not a single line of code written at the moment.
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